Brewing bonds.
Driving growth.

MP Connect Leadership Workshop

Brewing Bonds / Driving Growth

We are thrilled to invite our global leadership team to a unique and transformative event in the stunning setting of Kitzbühel. Under the inspiring motto "Brewing Bonds / Driving Growth," we will spend three remarkable days in the picturesque Alps.

During this time, we will immerse ourselves in our manifesto and leadership principles. Through a series of engaging workshops and interactive sessions, we will collaboratively shape the future of our company and strengthen the bonds within our leadership team.

Join us as we explore new pathways, develop innovative ideas, and drive our vision for a successful future forward. This event promises to be a milestone in our collective journey, fostering unity and inspiring growth.

Get ready for the workshop

Preparation for Kitzbühel: Getting Ready for an Inspiring Event

As we approach our three-day event in Kitzbühel, we urge you to take an active role in the preparation process. Over the next few weeks and months, we have planned a series of tasks that will help you arrive well-prepared and ready to contribute meaningfully to our discussions and activities.

You will receive regular newsletters and emails from us, filled with detailed instructions, relevant information, and deadlines for these preparatory tasks. I urge you to keep an eye out for these communications and to complete each task diligently. Additionally, all necessary materials will be available for download on this platform, ensuring you have easy access to everything you need.

Current tasks

Your active participation in this preparatory phase is crucial for the success of our event. By engaging fully, you will help us make the most of our time together in Kitzbühel, fostering a collaborative and inspiring atmosphere.

Thank you for your commitment, and I look forward to seeing the great things we will achieve together.

Please download this PDF and send it back to Kim:
(please note, the interactive PDF does probably not work in your browser / on your mobile device, PDF needs to be saved to your laptop/computer)

English version [PDF]

German version [PDF]

French version [PDF]

Agenda Workshop 2024

Day 1: Manifesto

On the first day, our focus will be on reflecting on our journey over the past two years. We will review our collective achievements, assess our current standing, and explore ways to strengthen and refine our values and corporate identity. Through interactive sessions and workshops, we aim to build a shared understanding of our direction and reinforce the principles that define us. This day is about celebrating our successes and setting the stage for future growth.

Day 2: Markets and Segments

The second day will be dedicated to our markets and segments. We will delve deep into understanding their needs and those of our customers. Together, we will explore how to address these needs with the right products and solutions, ensuring we stay aligned with market demands and customer expectations. This day is crucial for aligning our strategies with the evolving market landscape and ensuring our offerings remain relevant and impactful.

Day 3: Leadership Principles

On the third day, we will focus on our leadership principles, particularly in the areas of passion and love. Our goal is to strengthen our shared understanding and commitment, and to define the direction for our future together. Through collaborative discussions and activities, we will reinforce our dedication to leading with heart and purpose, ensuring our leadership is both inspiring and effective. This day will set the tone for our future leadership approach, driving our vision forward with renewed passion and unity.

Two years ago in Damp - some memories

Anyone who wants to reposition with respect to others must also take a look at themselves.
At the end of June 2022, around 100 managers and team leaders from all the national subsidiaries met for the first time in person for the “MPConnect Leadership Workshop” in Damp. The main aim was to have an intensive exchange of ideas on leadership, culture and customer centricity as the main prerequisites for becoming system solution partners. Some beautiful pictures capture the spirit of this event for you:

Organizational Things

Travel & Arrival

  • Arrival: On September 24, 2pm 
    Please organize yourself or ask Kim Stoermer for help. 
  • Leave: On September 27, after breakfast

The best option are flights to and from Munich (see mail with possibilities).

General information

  • The workshop will be held in German & English
  • Please send special dietary requirements if necessary. 

If you have any further questions, please contact Kim Sophie Störmer (


Hotel Kitzhof in Kitzbühel (Austria)